Worldwide Neon Tiki Tribe, Inc 应用

Explosive Beginning - English 1.31
See how this story takes you back many yearsto tell the “back story” of TIKI ISLAND. See how “Sam Selfish”get’s off track in life and how Kunatos is banished to a remoteisland. This story will show your children the importance oflistening to their parent’s advice====================================Features:-Fully Narrated-Interactive-Read along-Bright, Vivid Colors, Action & Adventure====================================What Parents Are Saying:Although we have hundreds of books these are some my kidscontinually come back to…She is now 8 years old and reads all of the Tiki books to herlittle sister….She is five and a half and sat right down on my lap and listenedto every word….All four of my kids LOVE them…====================================The Neon Tiki Tribe books use a patented, award-winning fontthat is almost unnoticeable to the average reader, but was designedto help some children who struggle to read due to dyslexia.
Self Image - Neon Tiki Tribe 1.31
Kathy, an extremely tiny girl, is always beingconfused for being much younger than she is. Unable to “ride” mostof the festival rides for being too small, her real strengths arerevealed as this story that many children can relate to, unfolds.====================================The Neon Tiki Tribe books use a patented, award-winning fontthat is almost unnoticeable to the average reader, but was designedto help some children who struggle to read due to dyslexia.
Battling Boredom - English 1.31
FINALLY! The story we’ve all been waiting for.The Beginning. The REAL Book #1-This is the story that tells howthe Neon Tiki Tribe come to life. Greg spends the summer at hisGrandmothers house on “TIKI ISLAND” and soon becomes “Bored” (EveryParent has had to deal with this issue). See how a small task ofplanting a tree in grandma’s yard turns into “all out adventure.”Your children will learn that there is “adventure” where ever theyare. They just have to “open” their minds up to the adventure intheir own backyards or neighborhoods.FEATURES:Fully NarratedInteractiveRead AlongBright, Vivid Colors, Action and AdventuresEntertaining for Boys and Girls from 3 to 12 years of ageThe Neon Tiki Tribe books use a patented, award-winning fontthat is almost unnoticeable to the average reader, but was designedto help some children who struggle to read due to dyslexia.
Fire Safety - Neon Tiki Tribe 1.31
A local “Fire Safety Obstacle Course” toeducate children on the hazards of fire and the importance ofhaving an evacuation plan are interrupted by the evil Ku TikiTribe, who has “hot” plans of their own.====================================Features:-Fully Narrated-Interactive-Read along-Bright, Vivid Colors, Action & Adventure====================================The Neon Tiki Tribe books use a patented, award-winning fontthat is almost unnoticeable to the average reader, but was designedto help some children who struggle to read due to dyslexia.
Internet Safety - English 1.31
While checking his email, a little boy namedBen sees a quick way to bring his family some much needed cash topay bills. Only it’s an internet scam that’s really aimed at“crushing” the Neon Tiki Tribe. See if the Ku Tiki Tribe will catchthe Neon Tiki Tribe off guard and see how Ben learns a valuable“INTERNET SAFETY” lesson the hard way. This is a “must see” subjectfor all children using the internet.====================================Features:-Fully Narrated-Interactive-Read along-Bright, Vivid Colors, Action & Adventure====================================The Neon Tiki Tribe books use a patented, award-winning fontthat is almost unnoticeable to the average reader, but was designedto help some children who struggle to read due to dyslexia.
Dog Rescue - Neon Tiki Tribe 1.31
Download a book app of Dog Rescue Mission fromthe award-winning Neon Tiki Tribe series. Great for both boys andgirls from ages 10 and under, each book features action andadventure for kids, wrapped in a moral story and teachable moment.This book teaches kids about the dangers of lying, a real problemin today's society.Each book also features a Dyslexic-friendly font that makes iteasy for kids to read. Fully narrated, this book can function onits own, or you can mute the audio and read it aloud like atraditional book. This app has no ads or in-app offers, so yourkids are safe using it without having to worry if they are chargingyour account.Story synopsis: A dog is missing! The Neon Tiki Tribe help aneighborhood boy, upset that he lost his dog, and even more upsetthat he lied to his parents about how the dog went missing. Usingspecial shades the Neon Tiki Tribe hunt down the pup. What theyfind isn’t just the dog – but some trouble – in the evil Ku TikiTribe! “Dog Rescue Mission” teaches kids about the importance ofhonesty and the courage of telling the truth.The Neon Tiki Tribe books use a patented, award-winning fontthat is almost unnoticeable to the average reader, but was designedto help some children who struggle to read due to dyslexia.
Neon Tiki Tribe Dog FREE 1.0
This is a book app from the award winningNeonTiki Tribe!A dog is missing! The Neon Tiki Tribe help a neighborhoodboy,upset that he lost his dog, and even more upset that he lied tohisparents about how the dog went missing. Using special shadestheNeon Tiki Tribe hunt down the pup. What they find isn’t justthedog – but some trouble – in the evil Ku Tiki Tribe! “DogRescueMission” teaches kids about the importance of honesty andthecourage of telling the truth.
Desconocidos: El Secuestro Ku 1.0
Bienvenido a la Isla Tiki, la base de laTribuNeón Tiki. Una serie de nuevos cuentos de superhéroes conrelatosde acción y aventura, combinados con mensajes educativos dela vidareal.Kunatos en control de nuevo, él hará cualquier cosa paradestruira la Tribu Neón Tiki y tomar control de la Isla Tiki deuna vez portodas. Calcula un plan horroroso de agarrarle a unniño, cualquierniño, sabiendo que los Neónes irán al rescate. ¡Enese momento, él ylos Ku Tikis aprovecharán de la oportunidad!Jimmy y su amigo Isaac andan a pie a casa después delcolegiocuando un carro misterioso se les llega con Kunatosenmascaradodetrás del volante.Kunatos empieza una conversación con los niños sobre unafiestade helados que la Tribu Neón Tiki que van a dar más tarde esedía.Le es obvio a Jimmy que no es verdad, pero Isaac estáconvencidoque Kunatos sí conoce a su papá y que no es mala ideaacompañarle ala fiesta. Cuando Isaac sube al carro, Jimmy correinmediatamente acasa y les llama a Greg y a la Tribu Neón Tiki parapedirayuda.¿Podrán encontrarlo los Tikis y la policía? ¿Cómohubieranmanejado mejor la situación Isaac y Jimmy ? ¿Pudo conseguirlaspistas esenciales (descripción, número de placa, color delcarro)sobre el secuestrador que les ayudara a lapolicíaencontrarlo?Aunque es un tema serio, los niños pueden aprender a manejarlospeligros de los desconocidos, y aprenderán a utilizar«palabrasseguras» que solo saben ellos y sus padres o tutores paramantenersu seguridad.(Padres/Maestros/Tutores – El secuestro de niños es un temamuyserio de manejar, hemos intentado tratarlo delicadamente atravésdelos malvados personajes ficcionales en forma de dibujosanimadospara que no sea tan alarmante el tema. Nuestra intencióncon estecuento es «empezar y continuar una conversación» sobreelmantenimiento de la seguridad de nuestros niños porinventar«palabras de seguridad» entre ellos y sus padres/tutorespara queno perdamos a ningún niño al secuestro.Welcome to theTikiIsland, the base Neon Tiki Tribe. A number of new superherotaleswith tales of action and adventure, combined witheducationalmessages in real life.Kunatos in control again, he will do anything to destroy theNeonTiki Tribe and take control of the Tiki Island once and forall.Calculate a horrific plan to grab a child, any child, knowingthatneon will go to the rescue. At that time, he and the Ku Tikistakeadvantage of the opportunity!Jimmy and his friend Isaac walk walking home from school whenamysterious car comes with them Kunatos masked behind thewheel.Kunatos begins a conversation with children about an icecreamparty that Neon Tiki Tribe will give later that day. It isobviousthat Jimmy is not true, but Isaac is convinced that Kunatosknowshis dad and that's a good idea to accompany him to the party.WhenIsaac gets into the car, Jimmy immediately runs home andcalledGreg and Neon Tiki Tribe for help.Can they find the Tikis and the police? How they wouldhavehandled the situation better Isaac and Jimmy? Could gettheessential tracks (description, license plate number, color ofthecar) on the hijacker to help the police find them?Although it is a serious matter, children can learn to handlethedangers of strangers, and learn to use "safe words" that onlytheyknow and their parents or guardians to keep it safe.(Parent / Teacher / Tutors -. The abduction of children is averyserious issue to manage, we tried to treat it delicately usingtheevil fictional characters in cartoon form so it is not soalarmingtheme Our intention with this story is " start andcontinue aconversation "about maintaining the safety of ourchildren invent"safe words "between them and their parents /guardians to not loseany child abduction.
Neon Tiki Tribe: Bullies FREE 1.0
Download the first book app of the award-winning book series, NeonTiki Tribe. Each book features a positive moral story, all writtenin a Dyslexia-friendly font. This title, which teaches children howto handle bullies, features bright, vivid colors, action andadventure with the Neon Tiki Tribe (the Brightest Super-heros onEarth), and a recap at the end to create a teachable moment withparents and care-givers. Help your child become a T.I.K.I.(Thoughtful Intelligent Kind Individual). Fully narrated, this bookapp can work on its own and doesn't require parents to overseetheir children while reading, and has no ads or links. BookSynopsis: A girl named Maya needs help! When she went to schooltoday, her classmates teased and bullied her about her new glasses.Maya turns to Greg and the Neon Tiki Tribe to learn what she can doto prevent bullying. Join Mowah and Tia as they help Maya!
Neon Tiki Tribe: Bullies Book 1.01
Download a book app of Bullies:PlaygroundPush-around from the award-winning Neon Tiki Tribeseries. Greatfor both boys and girls from ages 10 and under, eachbook featuresaction and adventure for kids, wrapped in a moralstory andteachable moment. This book teaches kids how to handlebullies, areal problem in today's society.Each book also features a Dyslexic-friendly font that makesiteasy for kids to read. Fully narrated, this book can functiononits own, or you can mute the audio and read it aloud likeatraditional book. This app has no ads or in-app offers, soyourkids are safe using it without having to worry if they arechargingyour account.Story synopsis: A girl named Maya needs help! When she wenttoschool today, her classmates teased and bullied her about hernewglasses. Maya turns to Greg and the tikis to learn what she candoto prevent bullying. Join Mowah and Tia as they help Maya!